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Poppy Morandin.


Messages from an NSW Police WhatsApp group chat that were subject to a corruption investigation by the Law Enforcement Corruption Commission have been revealed.

The chat log included messages about whether a woman was “r**table” and “worth the rape charge” and has ultimately led to two officers being fired and a ban on the messaging app across the entire police force.

The Sunday Telegraph obtained a transcript of the chat after it was produced during an Industrial Relations Commission hearing late last year.

The group message was named “Patrol Fairies 2.0” and later changed to “Dog Pound”, and routinely discussed sexist topics such as rape jokes, and sexualised remarks about female colleagues.

A group of at least nine general duties police officers based at Botany Bay Local Area Command joined the group chat in 2017.

“This group chat contained numerous inappropriate comments which could be taken as the potential bullying and harassment of other police officers, as well as some constituting possible criminal conduct.” stated the Law Enforcement Corruption Commission (LECC).

Constable Calvin Dunne, the officer who started the group chat, remarked regarding a female colleague: “She’s not hot. But not ugly.”

A female constable replied: “So just average. R**table after a few beverages.”

Regarding a senior female officer, Constable Dunne remarked that she was: “…female sexual peak. Yeah she’s 30 hahaha she’s a mad flirt as well.”

On 23 July 2017, one officer shared a photo of a woman whom he had been out with the night before and was not a police officer.

An officer commented “she’d be worth the rape charge” while Constable Jordan Crotty wrote that women “who post stuff like that are gagging for anything”.

The officer replied that he did not “f**k her” because she was intoxicated and a childhood friend.

“Doesn’t matter if drunk she will want it,” Constable Crotty replied.

The group chat also contained discussions about how a man was “loaded up” and wrongly charged.

The man, 47-year-old Erhan Sevgin spent seven months in jail after being charged in Mascot and is now suing NSW Police.

Constable Crotty described how the “c**t got pumped” but the statement of police facts would state that Sevgin rammed her with his bike.

Constable Dunne asked: “Did he ask for his phone and watch back?”

Constable Crotty replied: “C**t wouldn’t dare today.”

After she was asked what she charged him with, Constable Crotty replied with six offences, including malicious damage, use offensive weapon to avoid apprehension, destroy or damage property and stolen goods in custody.

She described this as a “massive load up haha.”

The police prosecutors only handed over the WhatsApp material to Sevgin’s defence team after the LECC became involved.

“The WhatsApp group chat contained certain disclosures about an incident that had led to the arrest and charging of a civilian. These disclosures put into question the credibility of the evidence of the police case officer.” explained the LECC.

Sevgin appealed, the prosecution withdrew all charges, and the convictions were quashed.

The LECC explained that: “Generally, the NSWPF investigation of this matter has been comprehensive with a number of officers being recommended for removal or other disciplinary action.”

However, the LECC and NSW Police disagreed as to whether disciplinary action should have been taken against a detective inspector and police prosecutor who knew about the material but failed to disclose it to Sevgin’s solicitor.

“The Commission remains concerned around one discrete aspect of this investigation, relating to the failure to disclose relevant information from the WhatsApp chat to the defence prior to a criminal matter proceeding to hearing.” stated the LECC.

The inspector has since retired from the force.

Have a question? Get in touch with our team today. Our criminal lawyers Sydney branch regularly appear across NSW Courts.

Published on 10/01/2021

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