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Our 29-year-old client works as an after school carer, was charged with supply 2 bags of cocaine outside a pub and recklessly dealing with $600 cash on him.

Our client who has a minor criminal history, has never been convicted of drugs supply offences in the past. This was his first drug offence. He appeared in the Local Court where the Magistrate convicted our client after he pleaded guilty to the charges. Our client approached CDLA and received immediate same day advice by our senior lawyer Ahmad.

Following this, an appeal was lodged to appeal the severity of the Local Court Magistrates sentence.

Our Ahmad worked around the clock to prepare the appeal case for our client. Gathering evidence and developing a strong case to present before the Sydney District Court Judge.

In the result, after Ahmad’s lengthy submissions and evidence tendered, the Judge agreed to quash the Local Court Magistrates conviction order and instead was sentenced on appeal with a conditional release order non-conviction.

Our client finally walked away without a criminal record against his name thanks to Ahmad’s strong will and determination in getting this outcome.

Published on 26/10/2022

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AUTHOR Jimmy Singh

Mr. Jimmy Singh is the Principal Lawyer at Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia - Leading Criminal Lawyers in Sydney, Delivering Exceptional Results in all Australian Criminal Courts.

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