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Our 39 year old client works with disabled people and rescue dogs. She resides in Penrith with no dependants. She was arrested and charged by the police for allegations of affray involving a brawl at a public park.

She saw two people sitting in a car, who are known to normally wait around the dog park to steal dogs, in addition to drugs at the same park. As a result, our client approached the two people and requested that they leave the park. She did this as a precautionary measure to avoid any dogs being stolen from the park.

As a result, a fight broke out between our client’s friend and the other two from the car. During the brawl, our client did not engage other than attempt to pull them apart from the brawl.

Our client then called police to assist. After waiting for police who failed to show up, she was approached by police one week later when she was charged with affray.

Our client was innocent, yet the police did not believe so at the time of arrest and charge.

Our client contacted CDLA when our senior lawyer Ahmad Faraj immediately commenced negotiations with police to get the charge dropped. A detailed letter called ‘legal representations’ was drafted by Ahmad outlining all the essential weaknesses in the police case. Following this, we made multiple attempts to also call and speak to the officer in charge who decided to charge our client in attempts to fast track the process.

Ultimately, thanks to Ahmad’s determination and strategic approach, the police agreed to withdraw the affray charge against our client. In the result, the charge was dismissed.

Published on 19/08/2022

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AUTHOR Jimmy Singh

Mr. Jimmy Singh is the Principal Lawyer at Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia - Leading Criminal Lawyers in Sydney, Delivering Exceptional Results in all Australian Criminal Courts.

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