Section 10’s possible for serious offences with the right advice, preparation and tactics

Mr. J Singh appeared for his 27 year old client working as a dentist, and pharmacist at 3 different locations in NSW who was required to travel long distances in the race against time with back to back appointments.

His client whilst travelling to her next appointment being some 100km away from her previous appointment, in order to service a community that is lacking in dental treatment, was stopped by police who were located in a discreet location hidden away from motorists. It was during this time she was charged with the following charges resulting from the one incident:

  1. Speeding over 45 km/h
  2. Dangerous driving
  3. Police pursuit or otherwise known as sky’s law

The facts stipulated that she was travelling up to 213km/h on a road that had a speed limit of 110km/h. It was during this time the police highway patrol vehicle followed after her when Mr. Singh’s client initially slowed down. After slowing down, she rapidly accelerated and began speeding up to 216km/h in an attempt to escape the police vehicle for up to 6 km before she realised the stupidity of her actions and came to a stop.

Mr. J Singh’s client had a very strong need for a licence, she had a good traffic record, she had completed the 6 week traffic offenders program (a course Mr. J Singh has regularly lectured in) and she was subjected to a tremendous amount of domestic violence from her father growing up causing her to labour under a psychological condition. Notwithstanding all this, she completed a pharmacy and dentistry degree working in both fields. A conviction was something that would impede her future success in either of these careers.

By submitting a good well prepared psychologist report, addressing the keys issues in this case, Mr. J Singh was able to successfully persuade the Magistrate to deal with this matter by way of a section 10 – no conviction, no disqualification.

The police pursuit was a very serious matter, but with the right tactics, advice and preparation, section 10’s can be achieved even with the most serious criminal and traffic matters. Sydney Criminal Lawyers know exactly how to prepare for putting you in the best possible position to working your way to a section 10.

Published on 04/09/2016

AUTHOR Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia

Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia are Leading Criminal Defence Lawyers, Delivering Exceptional Results in all Australian Courts.

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