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Our 23-year-old client was refused bail by police and held in custody. He had an urgent need to undergo psychiatric mental health treatment.

He was charged with a string of sexual assault counts, including sexual intercourse with a child, possessing and producing child abuse material and possessing prohibited drug. He had made alleged admissions to police at the time of being arrested which may lead to further charges.

He was refused bail by police and the local court. As a result he remained in custody for about 5 months while waiting for the police to serve their brief of evidence.

The delay in police providing their evidence on time meant that our client’s case would take another 6 months to 1 year before it finalises in court.

Our firm was approached by our client’s family to help. Our team were quick to respond.

Our specialist criminal defence lawyer, Tayla Regan immediately filed an urgent Supreme Court bail application.

There was no stone un-turned in preparing for the Supreme Court bail application by our team of criminal defence lawyers.

Our Tayla Regan quickly set up a meeting with our client who was in custody to update him on what was happening. She quickly arranged for a compelling psychologist report which proved to be extremely effective. Affidavits with a surety and proposed bail conditions were also prepared in support of getting our client bail.

The Psychologist produced a report which stated that the symptoms he was showing could potentially be a precursor to a psychotic illness. In the interests of both our client and the community, there was an urgent need for treatment. The type required could not be provided in a custodial setting, and therefore was an important consideration on an application for bail.

Thanks to Tayla and our team’s hard work, prompt response and thorough preparation, the Supreme Court was convinced to grant our client bail even after the Crown prosecutor opposed it.

Prior to his arrest, our client had underlying mental health problems which became even more prevalent whilst in custody.

Our client can now receive the urgent treatment he requires whilst pending the finalisation of his criminal matter.

Preparing a strong Supreme Court Bail application requires a thorough understanding of the bail laws and thorough preparation by an experienced team of criminal defence lawyers who specialise in Supreme Court bail applications.

Published on 22/04/2019

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AUTHOR Jimmy Singh

Mr. Jimmy Singh is the Principal Lawyer at Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia - Leading Criminal Lawyers in Sydney, Delivering Exceptional Results in all Australian Criminal Courts.

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