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Consent in NSW Sexual Assault Cases
Does a failure to say ‘no’ amount to consent? This blog outlines the penalty and defences to sexual assault charges in NSW. continue reading
What is an Affray and its Penalty in NSW?
Are the police prosecuting people for affray out of convenience? This blog also outlines the difference between affray and assault in NSW. continue reading
What is Obscene Exposure and Offensive Conduct?
This blog outlines certain behaviours considered acceptable in today’s society that never was many years ago. continue reading
Is Drug Prohibition Causing Unnecessary Deaths in Australian Youth?
Is Australia's prohibition on drugs doing little to stop young Australians from turning to drug use? Read on for more. continue reading
New Laws on Drug Driving and Mobile Phone Use in NSW
What is the law and penalties for driving under the influence, and using a mobile phone when driving in NSW? Read on to find out. continue reading
Can I Be Guilty of Common Assault if There Was No Physical Force Applied?
This blog outlines the defences to common assaults, and the difference between intentional assaults and reckless assaults in NSW. continue reading
Can You Refuse to Give a DNA Sample to Police?
Can the police take your blood without your permission? This blog answers some common questions concerning your rights when police want to carry out forensic procedures. continue reading
How to Get an AVO Revoked
How to change or revoke an AVO order in Court. This blog answers some common questions that our AVO Lawyers are often asked. continue reading
What are the Consequences of an AVO?
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Can You Refuse to Give Evidence in Court Against a Family Member?
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The Fairness of Mobile Drug Tests and Your Rights
How soon after taking drugs do you need to wait before driving in NSW? Read on to find out. continue reading
What is Cyber Bullying By Using a Carriage Service to Threaten?
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