Identity theft offences cost Australia billions a year and come in many forms from opening bank accounts to filing fraudulent tax returns... continue reading
What happens when a criminal lawyer comes across a client who confesses guilt but maintains a plea of ‘not guilty’? “I did It, but I want you to defend me”. continue reading
The new laws on section 32 mental health diversionary pathways for defendants facing criminal charge(s) in NSW Courts. Click here for more… continue reading
There are reportedly 70 inmates in lockdown within Silverwater Jail after coming into close contact with a staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19 continue reading
Decision to raise the age of criminal responsibility has been deferred until at least 2021. What's the current age of criminal responsibility for a child? Click here to find out... continue reading
How Coronavirus led the Supreme Court to grant bail to Mr. Rakielbakhour after he allegedly repeatedly punched his wife’s face and body, causing injuries. continue reading
Police officers in NSW have been given a quota to conduct 241,632 personal searches including strip searches on people. Read on for more… continue reading
2 men have been arrested following investigations into a large-scale international money-laundering syndicate after police find over $1.3m cash in Sydney. continue reading
NSW Police strip search 7 children. This blog outlines the law on when police can and can't conduct a strip search on a person in NSW. continue reading
A man who went on a stabbing rampage in Sydney CBD has been pinned down and restrained by members of the public after a woman was stabbed in the back. continue reading
Ten years ago, I embarked on a journey of working as a criminal lawyer in Sydney. …continue reading
We’re all aware that a criminal conviction or criminal record against your name can have …continue reading
The Government is created by the people, for the people, who make the laws that reflect …continue reading
‘Dishonestly obtaining financial advantage by deception, or causing a financial disadvantage by deception’ is a common …continue reading
A section 10 dismissal, soon to be known (from 2018) as Conditional Release Orders (CRO), is …continue reading
The complex traffic laws in NSW are changing again. Some big changes include: the abolition of …continue reading
Spitting at someone doesn’t necessarily constitute a criminal offence of “assault”. If the police charge you …continue reading
A common question I get asked is, when the Court is considering on a penalty to …continue reading
Case of Moore v R [2016] NSWCCA 260 The accused Mr. Moore was found Not Guilty …continue reading
The New NSW Driving Laws have come into effect from 28 October 2017, allowing you to …continue reading
Consider the scenario where your charged with common assault, with a provisional apprehended domestic violence order …continue reading
A successful section 32 Mental Health Application in Court can result in the dismissal of criminal …continue reading