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Our 44-year-old client and father of 3 was fined for exceeding the speed by more than 30km/h. He court elected and appeared at the Bankstown Local Court. Our client was admittedly speeding 38km/h over the speed limit, and faced suspension of his driver licence which would have placed a significant burden on his ability to continue working as an electrician to provide for his young family.

Our client contacted CDLA and received the expert advice from our specialist traffic lawyer Alex Istifan. Mr. Istifan meticulously prepared and presented our client’s case before the Local Court Magistrate at Bankstown after tendering some strong evidence in support.

In the result, the Court agreed with our Mr. Istifan and decided not to convict our client, instead giving our client a section 10 order without conviction and thankfully without a suspension period regardless of our client’s lengthy traffic record of previous traffic infringements.

Our client was able to keep his licence and continue driving without paying any fine.

Published on 01/12/2021

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AUTHOR Jimmy Singh

Mr. Jimmy Singh is the Principal Lawyer at Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia - Leading Criminal Lawyers in Sydney, Delivering Exceptional Results in all Australian Criminal Courts.

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