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Poppy Morandin and Jimmy Singh.


Speeding fines have soared, following the NSW Government’s decision to remove warning signs for speed cameras.

Following the controversial move to remove signs, strip back vehicle markings and increase time of monitoring on the roads, monthly fines have skyrocketed.

Data shows that whereas 32,637 speeding camera fines were issued in January 2020, January 2021 saw 80,110 fines issued.

NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance and Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole announced the changes late last year in November,

The changes were purported to enhance public safety, with the NSW Government claiming it will save between 34 – 43 lives a year.

“We want to make a difference. We can’t keep doing what we’re doing, year in, year out, knowing the impact it has on families, loved ones, children and our community.” stated Constance.

Despite this, NRMA spokesman Peter Khoury has voiced his disapproval of the move stating that the signage educated drivers.

“We’ve lost all of that education; we still have the enforcement but all too often people don’t find they’ve done the wrong thing till two or three weeks later…. It will catch people; it just won’t change their behaviour.” he commented.

30 per cent of speed camera now have reflective signage completely stripped off and enforcement hours have tripled from 7000 hours to 21,000 hours a month.

Warnings signs were previously required to be placed 250m ahead of the mobile speed camera, as well as 50m after.

Cameras are also now catching motorists across lanes in both directions.

The highest earning locations for speed cameras in NSW include the Hume Highway at Casula, which fined motorists $80,446 in December alone.

Other hotspots include cameras stationed at Penshurst St, Chatswood, which racked in $77,000 from speeding motorists in December.

Current locations of mobile speed cameras, fixed speed cameras, red light speed cameras and school zone speed cameras can be seen at the Transport NSW website by using the toggle menu to search camera type, location, or road.

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Common Speeding fines NSW

Pursuant to rule 20 of the Road Rules 2014 (NSW) a driver must not drive at a speed over the speed limit applying to the driver for the length of road where the driver is driving.

If a driver exceeds a speed limit by more than 45 kilometres per hour, they are liable to a fine of $5,500 in the case of a heavy motor vehicle or coach, or $3,300 in any other case. These penalties apply only if the matter is elected and heard in court by way of what is referred to as a ‘court election’.

There is an automatic disqualification period of a minimum of 6 months.

The offence carries 6 demerit points.

If a disqualified driver is caught speeding by more than 45km/h over the speed limit, police officers can impound or confiscate number plates from a vehicle for a period of 6 months.

The on-the-spot fine for an over 45km/h speed offence is $3,762 for a heavy vehicle, and $2,482 in any other case.

A driver who exceeds a speed limit by more than 30 kilometres per hour faces a maximum penalty of a $2,200 fine if dealt with in court.

The on-the-spot fine for speeding over 30km/h by less than 45km/h is $920. If it is a heavy vehicle, the on-the-spot fine is $1,441.

There is an automatic disqualification period of a minimum of 3 months.

The offence carries 5 demerit points.

A period of disqualification imposed commences on the date of conviction for the offence to which it relates.

A driver who exceeds a speed limit by 30 kilometres per hour or less is liable to a maximum penalty of $2,200 fine if dealt with in court. However, if the matter is not dealt with in court, the on-the-spot fine is $481, but in the case of a heavy vehicle is it a $599 fine.

The offence carries 4 demerit points.

These penalties are outlined in in accordance with rule 10–2 of the Road Rules 2014 (NSW).

Published on 13/03/2021

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