Cannabis laws in Thailand have undergone several changes in recent years, swinging between periods of criminalisation and relatively liberal policies regarding the sale and consumption of the “devil’s lettuce” also known as Thailand weed.

The following provides a short history of the laws applying to Thailand cannabis, noting the current legality of cannabis in the country as well as what tourists should know.

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A Brief History of Thailand Weed Reform

Cannabis has been used in Thailand for hundreds of years as a traditional medicine, particularly for its pain relieving and muscle relaxant effects. However, in line with many other countries, the Thai government criminalised the possession, cultivation and sale of cannabis in the early 20th century.

After decades of criminalisation, in 2018 Thailand reformed its laws to legalise medicinal cannabis in the country.  In 2022, the government went a step further, decriminalising the possession and use of cannabis if it contained less than 0.2% of THC per dry weight. This reform also allowed for cannabis dispensaries to operate across the country, selling legally compliant cannabis for health purposes.

More recently, there have been calls to reform Thailand marijuana laws to crackdown on the recreational use of cannabis in the country. Although it seems likely that cannabis laws in Thailand will be tightened, it’s not currently clear what this will look like.


Is Marijuana Legal in Thailand? | Is Weed Legal in Thailand Phuket?

Thailand’s cannabis laws currently allow the legal use of cannabis in two main circumstances. Firstly, if a person holds a medicinal cannabis prescription, they are able to purchase and consume cannabis of any THC concentration. Secondly, no criminal penalties currently apply to the possession or use of cannabis products containing less that 0.2% THC including cannabis plant as well as oils, tinctures, gummies, and balms. These products can also be sold from cannabis dispensaries.


Can You Grow Weed in Thailand?

Cannabis cultivation is also permitted, allowing Thai citizens to grow cannabis at home, as long as the plants contain less than 0.2% THC. The government encourages individuals to register their cannabis plantations through the “Plookganja” application, and there are currently no strict limits on the number of plants that can be cultivated.


What’s Still Illegal?

It should be noted that, despite some media reporting to the contrary, recreational consumption of cannabis containing more than 0.2% of THC remains criminalised in Thailand.

This means that possession, cultivation and sale of cannabis containing more than 0.2% THC is a serious criminal offence in the country, which could result in a term of imprisonment.

Cannabis which contains less that 0.2% THC can also not be smoked in public, doing so could result in fines up to 25,000 Baht (around $1,126 AUD). Moreover, sales of cannabis (no matter the THC content) are prohibited to individuals under 20 years old as well as pregnant or breastfeeding women.

What about Australia? Is growing weed legal in Australia? Click here for more.


What Tourists Need to Know

For both tourists and locals, the most important takeaway is that while cannabis is more accessible than ever in Thailand, recreational use remains illegal. Medical cannabis is available with a prescription, and low-THC cannabis products can be purchased and used by adults over 20.

However, public consumption is strictly prohibited, and the legal consequences for violating these laws can be severe, including fines, imprisonment, or deportation for foreigners.

Is weed illegal in Australia? Click here for more.

By Jarryd Bartle.

Image credit: amnat30

Published on 13/12/2024

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