NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has sought to defend the actions of police officers involved in the wrongful arrest of NRL player Curtis Scott... continue reading
Sniffer dog operations have returned following their apparent suspension due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for more... continue reading
A 28-year-old woman and two men have allegedly tried to smuggle drugs into Cessnock jail using a drone have been arrested. continue reading
There are reportedly 70 inmates in lockdown within Silverwater Jail after coming into close contact with a staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19 continue reading
Decision to raise the age of criminal responsibility has been deferred until at least 2021. What's the current age of criminal responsibility for a child? Click here to find out... continue reading
The temporary suspension of District Court jury trials have been lifted. Click here to find out more… continue reading
Australian citizen Karm Gilespie has been sentenced to death in China for drug trafficking offences is likely to further strain Australia-China relations. continue reading
How Coronavirus led the Supreme Court to grant bail to Mr. Rakielbakhour after he allegedly repeatedly punched his wife’s face and body, causing injuries. continue reading
The Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program shows an increased use of cocaine, with a reduction in alcohol consumption across our nation. Click here for more. continue reading
Police officers in NSW have been given a quota to conduct 241,632 personal searches including strip searches on people. Read on for more… continue reading
The Case of Mr. Bugden v R [2015] The Facts 20 year old Mr. Bugden was …continue reading
Where you encourage or assist in a crime, you will be seen and punished, under the …continue reading
The law basically says, that a pre-existing relationship between the offender and victim may reduce the …continue reading
We all know that drink driving in Sydney, and other traffic offences, such as holding a …continue reading
The Case of DPP (NSW) v Kirby [2017] NSWSC Mr. Kirby was charged with driving under …continue reading
For a complete guide, click here for Centrelink Fraud laws complete guide. To discuss these charges …continue reading
By Jimmy Singh and Tayla Regan There are a range of driving offences that deal with …continue reading
By Jimmy Singh and Tayla Regan The Law protects children who are aged less than 16 …continue reading
By Jimmy Singh and Tayla Regan Say for instance you have been arrested for a crime, …continue reading
By Jimmy Singh and Tayla Regan New technology has now been a cause for spike in …continue reading
By Jimmy Singh and Tayla Regan What if a neighbour or ex-partner makes very serious, untruthful …continue reading
By Jimmy Singh and Tayla Regan What is Bail? Where police charge you for a criminal …continue reading